We specialize in building and providing custom data-driven enterprise solutions using the latest technologies to address unique business challenges.
Germany, UAE, Pakistan
+92 302 9777 379
Using Laser distance and Time fo Flight (ToF) measurement technology, aiblux provides sensors that achieve reliable processes and improved system availability. Our sensor features an intuitive operating concept that allows for efficient optimization, resulting in shorter application development times.
Equipped with IOT, our sensors offers access to additional data through all available digital interfaces that enables implementation of flexible, uninterrupted production lines, automated industrial or garage doors.
aiblux has been at the forefront of advanced sensing, contributing to the mobile robotics and Industry 4.0 sectors. Our focus on innovation and technology has enabled us to deliver greater business value to our clients.
Easy to install sensor which masure realiable and highly reproducable data at a consistent quality to monitor warehouse personal and packages.
Affordable, robust sensor monitoring process for production lines. Allows for higher production yield and reduce waste.
Compensated for the change in material reflective properties our laser distance measurement sensors can be easily incorporated with highly automated automotive industry which utilizes robots.